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I'm a circus artist from Finland, currently based in France. Specialized in handstand, contortion and acrobatic-contortioned roller skating, I also have learned the basic skills for most of the disciplines during my 13 years training in a youth circus Bravuuri in Finland. In 2010 I got accepted to the second year of circus education in AFUK - Academy of untamed creativity in Copenhagen, where I studied during two years with handstand and contortion as my main disciplines. In 2012 I continued my studies in Le Lido - Centre des arts du Cirque de Toulouse, where I started to explore how to combine theater, song, humor and absurdity with my circus skills. 

I graduated in 2015 with a humorous handstand-contortion-singing act Blue night, which had a big success touring all over Europe during 5 years. In 2018 I created my own company  Cie Biscornue, and in 2019 I premiered with L'hiver en juillet (Winter in July), a 40 minutes long solo show. I'm also one of the co-founders and artists of Naga Collective and Le Collectif d'équilibristes. I've also worked in several companies as Winter circus Hurjaruuth, Circo Aereo, Les Nouveaux nez & cie, Cie Yoann Bourgeois, GOP Varieté Theatre, La Compagnie d'Elles, Cie Una... 

Currently I'm touring with Le Collectif d'équilibristes and Derby. I'm also giving handstand and contortion classes and workshops.



- Co-founder, co-author and artist at Collectif    d'équilibristes, Le Complexe de l'Autruche,
  creation 2021. 

- Founder of Cie Biscornue, director and artist of
Winter in July
, creation 2019.

- Scala by Yoann Bourgeois, France 2019.

Co-founder of Naga Collective, co-author and
  artist of
Persona, creation 2018 Belgium.

- Le grand jour, 30 minutes long site specific solo
  performance, co-produced by le Département de
  Seine-et-Marne for the festival FETNAT 2018. 


Abracadabra  with Circo Aereo, Finland 2016-2017.

- Corpus Mentalus  with Les Nouveaux nez & 
 cie, France

- Humorzone  with GOP Variéte Theatre, 2016
  - 2020.

- DERBY, Cie Una creation 2024. 


- Winter circus Dream with Tanssiteatteri
, Finland 2014.

- Blue night  solo act  touring in Europe since

© 2025 Jatta Borg

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